home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=0 sw=8:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- */
- /*
- * feature.h: Defines for optional code and preferences
- *
- * Edit this file to include/exclude parts of Vim, before compiling.
- * The only other file that may be edited is Makefile, it contains machine
- * specific options.
- *
- * To include specific options, change the "#if*" and "#endif" into comments,
- * or uncomment the "#define".
- * To exclude specific options, change the "#define" into a comment.
- */
- /*
- * When adding a new feature:
- * - Add a #define below.
- * - Add a message in the table above ex_version().
- * - Add a string to f_has().
- * - Add a feature to ":help feature-list" in doc/eval.txt.
- * - Add feature to ":help +feature-list" in doc/various.txt.
- * - Add comment for the documentation of commands that use the feature.
- */
- /*
- * Basic choices:
- * ==============
- *
- * +tiny almost no features enabled, not even multiple windows
- * +small few features enabled, as basic as possible
- * +normal A default selection of features enabled
- * +big many features enabled, as rich as possible.
- * +huge all possible featues enabled.
- *
- * When +small is used, +tiny is also included. +normal implies +small, etc.
- */
- /*
- * Uncomment one of these to override the default. For unix use a configure
- * argument, see Makefile.
- */
- #if !defined(FEAT_TINY) && !defined(FEAT_SMALL) && !defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \
- && !defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_HUGE)
- /* #define FEAT_TINY */
- /* #define FEAT_SMALL */
- /* #define FEAT_NORMAL */
- /* #define FEAT_BIG */
- /* #define FEAT_HUGE */
- #endif
- /*
- * These executables are made available with the +big feature, because they
- * are supposed to have enough RAM: Win32 (console & GUI), dos32, OS/2 and VMS.
- * The dos16 version has very little RAM available, use +small.
- */
- #if !defined(FEAT_TINY) && !defined(FEAT_SMALL) && !defined(FEAT_NORMAL) \
- && !defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_HUGE)
- # if defined(MSWIN) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(OS2) || defined(VMS) || defined(MACOS) || defined(AMIGA)
- # define FEAT_BIG
- # else
- # ifdef MSDOS
- # define FEAT_SMALL
- # else
- # define FEAT_NORMAL
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * Each feature implies including the "smaller" ones.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_HUGE
- # define FEAT_BIG
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_SMALL
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_SMALL
- # define FEAT_TINY
- #endif
- /*
- * Optional code (see ":help +feature-list")
- * =============
- */
- /*
- * +windows Multiple windows. Without this there is no help
- * window and no status lines.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_SMALL
- # define FEAT_WINDOWS
- #endif
- /*
- * +listcmds Vim commands for the buffer list and the argument
- * list. Without this there is no ":buffer" ":bnext",
- * ":bdel", ":argdelete", etc.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_LISTCMDS
- #endif
- /*
- * +vertsplit Vertically split windows.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT) && !defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
- # define FEAT_WINDOWS
- #endif
- /*
- * +cmdhist Command line history.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_SMALL
- # define FEAT_CMDHIST
- #endif
- /*
- * +jumplist Jumplist, CTRL-O and CTRL-I commands.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_SMALL
- # define FEAT_JUMPLIST
- #endif
- /* the cmdline-window requires FEAT_VERTSPLIT and FEAT_CMDHIST */
- #if defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT) && defined(FEAT_CMDHIST)
- # define FEAT_CMDWIN
- #endif
- /*
- * +folding Fold lines.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_FOLDING
- #endif
- /*
- * +digraphs Digraphs.
- * In insert mode and on the command line you will be
- * able to use digraphs. The CTRL-K command will work.
- * Define OLD_DIGRAPHS to get digraphs compatible with
- * Vim 5.x. The new ones are from RFC 1345.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_DIGRAPHS
- /* #define OLD_DIGRAPHS */
- #endif
- /*
- * +langmap 'langmap' option. Only useful when you put your
- * keyboard in a special language mode, e.g. for typing
- * greek.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_LANGMAP
- #endif
- /*
- * +keymap 'keymap' option. Allows you to map typed keys in
- * Insert mode for a special language.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_KEYMAP
- #endif
- /*
- * +localmap Mappings and abbreviations local to a buffer.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_LOCALMAP
- #endif
- /*
- * +insert_expand CTRL-N/CTRL-P/CTRL-X in insert mode. Takes about
- * 4Kbyte of code.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_INS_EXPAND
- #endif
- /*
- * +cmdline_compl completion of mappings/abbreviations in cmdline mode.
- * Takes a few Kbyte of code.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_CMDL_COMPL
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define VIM_BACKTICK /* internal backtick expansion */
- #endif
- /*
- * +textobjects Text objects: "vaw", "das", etc.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_TEXTOBJ
- #endif
- /*
- * +visual Visual mode.
- * +visualextra Extra features for Visual mode (mostly block operators).
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_SMALL
- # define FEAT_VISUAL
- # ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # endif
- #else
- # undef FEAT_CLIPBOARD /* can't use clipboard without Visual mode */
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +virtualedit 'virtualedit' option and its implementation
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +vreplace "gR" and "gr" commands.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_VREPLACE
- #endif
- /*
- * +cmdline_info 'showcmd' and 'ruler' options.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_CMDL_INFO
- #endif
- /*
- * +linebreak 'showbreak', 'breakat' and 'linebreak' options.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +ex_extra ":retab", ":right", ":left", ":center", ":normal".
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_EX_EXTRA
- #endif
- /*
- * +extra_search 'hlsearch' and 'incsearch' options.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +quickfix Quickfix commands.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_QUICKFIX
- #endif
- /*
- * +file_in_path "gf" and "<cfile>" commands.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +find_in_path "[I" ":isearch" "^W^I", ":checkpath", etc.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # ifdef FEAT_SEARCHPATH /* FEAT_SEARCHPATH is required */
- # define FEAT_FIND_ID
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +path_extra up/downwards searching in 'path' and 'tags'.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_PATH_EXTRA
- #endif
- /*
- * +rightleft Right-to-left typing and Hebrew support.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- #endif
- /*
- * +farsi Farsi (Persian language) Keymap support.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # endif
- # define FEAT_FKMAP
- #endif
- /*
- * +emacs_tags When FEAT_EMACS_TAGS defined: Include support for
- * emacs style TAGS file.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_EMACS_TAGS
- #endif
- /*
- * +tag_binary Can use a binary search for the tags file.
- *
- * Disabled for EBCDIC:
- * On OS/390 Unix we have the problem that /bin/sort sorts ASCII instead of
- * EBCDIC. With this binary search doesn't work, as VIM expects a tag file
- * sorted by character values. I'm not sure how to fix this. Should we really
- * do a EBCDIC to ASCII conversion for this??
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && !defined(EBCDIC)
- # define FEAT_TAG_BINS
- #endif
- /*
- * +tag_old_static Old style static tags: "file:tag file ..". Slows
- * down tag searching a bit.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +tag_any_white Allow any white space to separate the fields in a tags
- * file. When not defined, only a TAB is allowed.
- */
- /* #define FEAT_TAG_ANYWHITE */
- /*
- * +cscope Unix only: Cscope support.
- */
- #if defined(UNIX) && defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_CSCOPE)
- # define FEAT_CSCOPE
- #endif
- /*
- * +eval Built-in script language and expression evaluation,
- * ":let", ":if", etc.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_EVAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +user_commands Allow the user to define his own commands.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_USR_CMDS
- #endif
- /*
- * +printer ":hardcopy" command
- * +postscript Printing uses PostScript file output.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && (defined(MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)) \
- && !defined(AMIGA)
- # define FEAT_PRINTER
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_PRINTER) && ((defined(MSWIN) && defined(MSWINPS)) \
- || (!defined(MSWIN) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)))
- #endif
- /*
- * +modify_fname modifiers for file name. E.g., "%:p:h".
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +autocmd ":autocmd" command
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_AUTOCMD
- #endif
- /*
- * +diff Displaying diffs in a nice way.
- * Requires +windows and +autocmd.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_AUTOCMD)
- # define FEAT_DIFF
- #endif
- /*
- * +title 'title' and 'icon' options
- * +statusline 'statusline', 'rulerformat' and special format of
- * 'titlestring' and 'iconstring' options.
- * +byte_offset '%o' in 'statusline' and builtin functions line2byte()
- * and byte2line().
- * Note: Required for Macintosh.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && !defined(MSDOS)
- # define FEAT_TITLE
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_STL_OPT
- # ifndef FEAT_CMDL_INFO
- # define FEAT_CMDL_INFO /* 'ruler' is required for 'statusline' */
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_BYTEOFF
- #endif
- /*
- * +wildignore 'wildignore' and 'backupskip' options
- * Needed for Unix to make "crontab -e" work.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(UNIX)
- # define FEAT_WILDIGN
- #endif
- /*
- * +wildmenu 'wildmenu' option
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
- # define FEAT_WILDMENU
- #endif
- /*
- * +osfiletype filetype checking in autocommand patterns.
- * Only on systems that support filetypes (RISC OS).
- */
- #if 0
- # define DFLT_OFT "Text"
- #endif
- /*
- * +viminfo reading/writing the viminfo file. Takes about 8Kbyte
- * of code.
- * VIMINFO_FILE Location of user .viminfo file (should start with $).
- * VIMINFO_FILE2 Location of alternate user .viminfo file.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_VIMINFO
- /* #define VIMINFO_FILE "$HOME/foo/.viminfo" */
- /* #define VIMINFO_FILE2 "~/bar/.viminfo" */
- #endif
- /*
- * +syntax syntax highlighting. When using this, it's a good
- * idea to have +autocmd and +eval too.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(PROTO)
- # define FEAT_SYN_HL
- #endif
- /*
- * +builtin_terms Choose one out of the following four:
- *
- * NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS Do not include any builtin termcap entries (used only
- * with HAVE_TGETENT defined).
- *
- * (nothing) Machine specific termcap entries will be included.
- * This is default for win16 to save static data.
- *
- * SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS Include most useful builtin termcap entries (used only
- * with NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS not defined).
- * This is the default.
- *
- * ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS Include all builtin termcap entries
- * (used only with NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS not defined).
- */
- /* #define NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS */
- #endif
- #if !defined(NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W16)
- # ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # else
- # define SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS /* default */
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +lispindent lisp indenting (From Eric Fischer).
- * +cindent C code indenting (From Eric Fischer).
- * +smartindent smart C code indenting when the 'si' option is set.
- *
- * These two need to be defined when making prototypes.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(PROTO)
- # define FEAT_LISP
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(PROTO)
- # define FEAT_CINDENT
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- #endif
- /*
- * +comments 'comments' option.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_COMMENTS
- #endif
- /*
- * +cryptv Encryption (by Mohsin Ahmed <mosh@sasi.com>).
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(PROTO)
- # define FEAT_CRYPT
- #endif
- /*
- * +mksession ":mksession" command.
- * Requires +windows and +vertsplit.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT)
- # define FEAT_SESSION
- #endif
- /*
- * +multi_lang Multi language support. ":menutrans", ":language", etc.
- * +gettext Message translations (requires +multi_lang)
- * (only when "lang" archive unpacked)
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_MULTI_LANG
- #endif
- #if defined(HAVE_GETTEXT) && defined(FEAT_MULTI_LANG) \
- && (defined(HAVE_LOCALE_H) || defined(X_LOCALE))
- # define FEAT_GETTEXT
- #endif
- /*
- * +multi_byte Generic multi-byte character handling. Doesn't work
- * with 16 bit ints.
- *
- * Disabled for EBCDIC:
- * Multibyte support doesn't work on OS390 Unix currently.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_BIG) && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && !defined(WIN16) \
- && SIZEOF_INT >= 4 && !defined(EBCDIC)
- # define FEAT_MBYTE
- #endif
- /*
- * +multi_byte_ime Win32 IME input method. Requires +multi_byte.
- * Only for far-east Windows, so IME can be used to input
- * chars. Not tested much!
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME)
- /* #define FEAT_MBYTE_IME */
- # endif
- #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE_IME) && !defined(FEAT_MBYTE)
- # define FEAT_MBYTE
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && SIZEOF_INT < 4 && !defined(PROTO)
- Error: Can only handle multi-byte feature with 32 bit int or larger
- #endif
- /* Use iconv() when it's available. */
- #if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && ((defined(HAVE_ICONV_H) && defined(HAVE_ICONV)) \
- || defined(DYNAMIC_ICONV))
- # define USE_ICONV
- #endif
- /*
- * +xim X Input Method. For entering special languages like
- * chinese and Japanese.
- * +hangul_input Internal Hangul input method. Must be included
- * through configure: "--enable-hangulin"
- * Both are for Unix and VMS only.
- */
- #ifndef FEAT_XIM
- /* #define FEAT_XIM */
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_XIM) && defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)
- # define USE_XIM 1 /* needed for GTK include files */
- #endif
- # define HANGUL_DEFAULT_KEYBOARD 2 /* 2 or 3 bulsik keyboard */
- # define ESC_CHG_TO_ENG_MODE /* if defined, when ESC pressed,
- * turn to english mode
- */
- # if !defined(FEAT_XFONTSET) && defined(HAVE_X11)
- # define FEAT_XFONTSET /* Hangul input requires xfontset */
- # endif
- # if defined(FEAT_XIM) && !defined(LINT)
- Error: You should select only ONE of XIM and HANGUL INPUT
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_HANGULIN) || defined(FEAT_XIM)
- /* # define X_LOCALE */ /* for OS with incomplete locale
- support, like old linux versions. */
- /* # define SLOW_XSERVER */ /* for extremely slow X server */
- #endif
- /*
- * +xfontset X fontset support. For outputting wide characters.
- */
- # if defined(FEAT_MBYTE) && defined(HAVE_X11)
- # define FEAT_XFONTSET
- # else
- /* # define FEAT_XFONTSET */
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +libcall libcall() function
- */
- /* Using dlopen() also requires dlsym() to be available. */
- #if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN) && defined(HAVE_DLSYM)
- # define USE_DLOPEN
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) && (defined(WIN3264) || ((defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \
- && (defined(USE_DLOPEN) || defined(HAVE_SHL_LOAD))))
- # define FEAT_LIBCALL
- #endif
- /*
- * +scrollbind synchronization of split windows
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_WINDOWS)
- #endif
- /*
- * +menu ":menu" command
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # define FEAT_MENU
- # ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
- # define FEAT_TEAROFF
- # endif
- #endif
- /* There are two ways to use XPM. */
- #if (defined(HAVE_XM_XPMP_H) && defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF)) \
- || defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)
- # define HAVE_XPM 1
- #endif
- /*
- * +toolbar Include code for a toolbar (for the Win32 GUI, GTK
- * always has it). But only if menus are enabled.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_MENU) \
- && (defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \
- || ((defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \
- && defined(HAVE_XPM)) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON))
- # define FEAT_TOOLBAR
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) && !defined(FEAT_MENU)
- # define FEAT_MENU
- #endif
- /*
- * +browse ":browse" command.
- *
- * BROWSE_CURRBUF Open file browser in the directory of the current
- * buffer, instead of the current directory.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC))
- # define FEAT_BROWSE
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)
- #endif
- /*
- * +dialog_gui Use GUI dialog.
- * +dialog_con May use Console dialog.
- * When none of these defined there is no dialog support.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN)
- # define FEAT_GUI_DIALOG
- # else
- # if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF)) && defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC)
- # define FEAT_CON_DIALOG
- # define FEAT_GUI_DIALOG
- # else
- # define FEAT_CON_DIALOG
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK))
- /* need a dialog to show error messages when starting from the desktop */
- # define FEAT_GUI_DIALOG
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) && \
- (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON))
- #endif
- /*
- * Preferences:
- * ============
- */
- /*
- * +writebackup 'writebackup' is default on:
- * Use a backup file while overwriting a file. But it's
- * deleted again when 'backup' is not set. Changing this
- * is strongly discouraged: You can loose all your
- * changes when the computer crashes while writing the
- * file.
- * VMS note: It does work on VMS as well, but because of
- * version handling it does not have any purpose.
- * Overwrite will write to the new version.
- */
- #ifndef VMS
- #endif
- /*
- * +xterm_save The t_ti and t_te entries for the builtin xterm will
- * be set to save the screen when starting Vim and
- * restoring it when exiting.
- */
- /* #define FEAT_XTERM_SAVE */
- /*
- * DEBUG Output a lot of debugging garbage.
- */
- /* #define DEBUG */
- /*
- * STARTUPTIME Timme the startup process. Writes a "vimstartup" file
- * with timestamps.
- */
- /* #define STARTUPTIME "vimstartup" */
- /*
- * MEM_PROFILE Debugging of memory allocation and freeing.
- */
- /* #define MEM_PROFILE */
- /*
- * VIMRC_FILE Name of the .vimrc file in current dir.
- */
- /* #define VIMRC_FILE ".vimrc" */
- /*
- * EXRC_FILE Name of the .exrc file in current dir.
- */
- /* #define EXRC_FILE ".exrc" */
- /*
- * GVIMRC_FILE Name of the .gvimrc file in current dir.
- */
- /* #define GVIMRC_FILE ".gvimrc" */
- /*
- * VIEW_FILE Name of the default ":mkview" file.
- */
- #define VIEW_FILE "View.vim"
- /*
- * SESSION_FILE Name of the default ":mksession" file.
- */
- #define SESSION_FILE "Session.vim"
- /*
- * USR_VIMRC_FILE Name of the user .vimrc file.
- * USR_VIMRC_FILE2 Name of alternate user .vimrc file.
- * USR_VIMRC_FILE3 Name of alternate user .vimrc file.
- */
- /* #define USR_VIMRC_FILE "~/foo/.vimrc" */
- /* #define USR_VIMRC_FILE2 "~/bar/.vimrc" */
- /* #define USR_VIMRC_FILE3 "$VIM/.vimrc" */
- /*
- * EVIM_FILE Name of the evim.vim script file
- */
- /* #define EVIM_FILE "$VIMRUNTIME/evim.vim" */
- /*
- * USR_EXRC_FILE Name of the user .exrc file.
- * USR_EXRC_FILE2 Name of the alternate user .exrc file.
- */
- /* #define USR_EXRC_FILE "~/foo/.exrc" */
- /* #define USR_EXRC_FILE2 "~/bar/.exrc" */
- /*
- * USR_GVIMRC_FILE Name of the user .gvimrc file.
- * USR_GVIMRC_FILE2 Name of the alternate user .gvimrc file.
- */
- /* #define USR_GVIMRC_FILE "~/foo/.gvimrc" */
- /* #define USR_GVIMRC_FILE2 "~/bar/.gvimrc" */
- /* #define USR_GVIMRC_FILE3 "$VIM/.gvimrc" */
- /*
- * SYS_VIMRC_FILE Name of the system-wide .vimrc file.
- */
- /* #define SYS_VIMRC_FILE "/etc/vimrc" */
- /*
- * SYS_GVIMRC_FILE Name of the system-wide .gvimrc file.
- */
- /* #define SYS_GVIMRC_FILE "/etc/gvimrc" */
- /*
- * DFLT_HELPFILE Name of the help file.
- */
- /* # define DFLT_HELPFILE "$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt.gz" */
- /*
- * File names for:
- * FILETYPE_FILE switch on file type detection
- * FTPLUGIN_FILE switch on loading filetype plugin files
- * INDENT_FILE switch on loading indent files
- * FTOFF_FILE switch off file type detection
- * FTPLUGOF_FILE switch off loading settings files
- * INDOFF_FILE switch off loading indent files
- */
- /* # define FILETYPE_FILE "filetype.vim" */
- /* # define FTPLUGIN_FILE "ftplugin.vim" */
- /* # define INDENT_FILE "indent.vim" */
- /* # define FTOFF_FILE "ftoff.vim" */
- /* # define FTPLUGOF_FILE "ftplugof.vim" */
- /* # define INDOFF_FILE "indoff.vim" */
- /*
- * SYS_MENU_FILE Name of the default menu.vim file.
- */
- /* # define SYS_MENU_FILE "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim" */
- /*
- * SYS_OPTWIN_FILE Name of the default optwin.vim file.
- */
- # define SYS_OPTWIN_FILE "$VIMRUNTIME/optwin.vim"
- #endif
- /*
- * SYNTAX_FNAME Name of a syntax file, where %s is the syntax name.
- */
- /* #define SYNTAX_FNAME "/foo/%s.vim" */
- /*
- * RUNTIME_DIRNAME Generic name for the directory of the runtime files.
- */
- # define RUNTIME_DIRNAME "runtime"
- #endif
- /*
- * RUNTIME_GLOBAL Directory name for global Vim runtime directory.
- * Don't define this if the preprocessor can't handle
- * string concatenation.
- * Also set by "--with-global-runtime" configure argument.
- */
- /* #define RUNTIME_GLOBAL "/etc/vim" */
- /*
- * Machine dependent:
- * ==================
- */
- /*
- * +fork Unix only: fork() support (detected by configure)
- * +system Use system() instead of fork/exec for starting a
- * shell. Doesn't work for the GUI!
- */
- /* #define USE_SYSTEM */
- /*
- * +X11 Unix only. Include code for xterm title saving and X
- * clipboard. Only works if HAVE_X11 is also defined.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)
- # define WANT_X11
- #endif
- /*
- * +mouse_xterm Unix only: Include code for xterm mouse handling.
- * +mouse_dec idem, for Dec mouse handling.
- * +mouse_jsbterm idem, for Jsbterm mouse handling.
- * +mouse_netterm idem, for Netterm mouse handling.
- * (none) MS-DOS mouse support.
- * +mouse_gpm Unix only: Include code for Linux console mouse
- * handling.
- * +mouse_pterm PTerm mouse support for QNX
- * +mouse Any mouse support (any of the above enabled).
- */
- /* OS/2 and Amiga console have no mouse support */
- #if (!defined(AMIGA) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(MACOS)) || defined(FEAT_GUI_AMIGA)
- # ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- # endif
- # ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_MOUSE_NET
- # endif
- # ifdef FEAT_BIG
- # define FEAT_MOUSE_DEC
- # endif
- # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN3264))
- # define DOS_MOUSE
- # endif
- # if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(__QNX__)
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(HAVE_GPM)
- # define FEAT_MOUSE_GPM
- #endif
- /* Define FEAT_MOUSE when any of the above is defined or FEAT_GUI. */
- #if !defined(FEAT_MOUSE_TTY) && (defined(FEAT_MOUSE_XTERM) \
- || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_NET) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_DEC) \
- || defined(DOS_MOUSE) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_GPM) \
- || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_JSB) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE_PTERM))
- # define FEAT_MOUSE_TTY /* include non-GUI mouse support */
- #endif
- #if !defined(FEAT_MOUSE) && (defined(FEAT_MOUSE_TTY) || defined(FEAT_GUI))
- # define FEAT_MOUSE /* include generic mouse support */
- #endif
- /*
- * +clipboard Clipboard support. Always used for the GUI.
- * +xterm_clipboard Unix only: Include code for handling the clipboard
- * in an xterm like in the GUI.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- # ifndef FEAT_VISUAL
- # define FEAT_VISUAL
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_NORMAL) && defined(FEAT_VISUAL) \
- && (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \
- && defined(WANT_X11) && defined(HAVE_X11)
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +clientserver Remote control via the remote_send() function
- * and the --remote argument
- */
- #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(FEAT_XCLIPBOARD)) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- #endif
- /*
- * +termresponse send t_RV to obtain terminal response. Used for xterm
- * to check if mouse dragging can be used and if term
- * codes can be obtaind.
- */
- #if (defined(FEAT_NORMAL) || defined(FEAT_MOUSE)) && defined(HAVE_TGETENT)
- #endif
- /*
- * cursor shape Adjust the shape of the cursor to the mode.
- * mouse shape Adjust the shape of the mouse pointer to the mode.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_NORMAL
- /* MS-DOS console and Win32 console can change cursor shape */
- # if defined(MSDOS) || (defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32))
- # endif
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_W16) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \
- || defined(FEAT_GUI_PHOTON)
- # endif
- #endif
- /* GUI and some consoles can change the shape of the cursor. The code is also
- * needed for the 'mouseshape' option. */
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(MCH_CURSOR_SHAPE) || defined(FEAT_MOUSESHAPE)
- # define CURSOR_SHAPE
- #endif
- /*
- * +ARP Amiga only. Use arp.library, DOS 2.0 is not required.
- */
- #ifndef NO_ARP
- # define FEAT_ARP
- #endif
- /*
- * +GUI_Athena To compile Vim with or without the GUI (gvim) you have
- * +GUI_BeOS to edit the Makefile.
- * +GUI_Motif
- */
- /*
- * +ole Win32 OLE automation: Use Makefile.ovc.
- */
- /*
- * These features can only be included by using a configure argument. See the
- * Makefile for a line to uncomment.
- * +perl Perl interface: "--enable-perlinterp"
- * +python Python interface: "--enable-pythoninterp"
- * +tcl TCL interface: "--enable-tclinterp"
- * +sniff Sniff interface: "--enable-sniff"
- */
- /*
- * These features are automatically detected:
- * +terminfo
- * +tgetent
- */
- /*
- * The Sun Workshop features currently only work with Motif.
- */
- #if !defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) && defined(FEAT_SUN_WORKSHOP)
- #endif
- /*
- * +signs Allow signs to be displayed to the left of text lines.
- * Adds the ":sign" command.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_BIG) || defined(FEAT_SUN_WORKSHOP)
- # define FEAT_SIGNS
- # if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \
- && defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)
- # define FEAT_SIGN_ICONS
- # endif
- #endif
- /*
- * +balloon_eval Allow balloon expression evaluation. Used with a
- * debugger and for tooltips.
- * Currently only for Athena and Motif.
- */
- #if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \
- && (defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) || defined(FEAT_SUN_WORKSHOP))
- # define FEAT_BEVAL
- # ifndef FEAT_XFONTSET
- # define FEAT_XFONTSET
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_SUN_WORKSHOP)
- /*
- * The following features are (currently) only used by Sun Visual WorkShop 6.
- * These features could be used with other integrations with debuggers so I've
- * used separate feature defines.
- */
- # if !defined(FEAT_MENU)
- # define FEAT_MENU
- # endif
- /*
- * Use an alternative method of X input for a secondary
- * command input.
- */
- # define ALT_X_INPUT
- /*
- * +footer Motif only: Add a message area at the bottom of the
- * main window area.
- */
- # define FEAT_FOOTER
- #endif